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Mum's the word!

Our Disability Coordinator and Paediatric Physiotherapist, Brooke, has been busy completing the first home visits for the children at MdB to evaluate their accessibility needs.
During her first visit, Brooke taught the Foster Mum how to properly secure this little guy into his brand new wheelchair (which has had plenty of adaptations specifically for his body and positioning) and demonstrated a new physical therapy home exercise to perform with her son.
Last week, Brooke attended another home last week where the team delivered another brand new wheelchair for her son to use at home. This mother (third picture right) caught the heart of our team with her story. Not only does she take the time, care and offer physical therapy to this cheeky chappy, but every single day she hikes up this mountain to get to/from her house to gather food and to transport her son to the Maison - all still with that big smile on her face. We are amazed at her strength and will to do this each day to be the best Mum she can be.