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Second COVID wave hits Haiti

It's been a difficult few weeks for Haiti and our partner hospital, HCBH. We hoped we wouldn't have to be back here, but we are sad to report that the COVID numbers are increasing rapidly across the country, with 11 people admitted due to COVID this past week.
These are already bigger numbers than we saw last summer so the team are suddenly very concerned that the number of cases will exceed the hospital's capacity. Because of this, we have had to reopen the COVID ward and prepare the hospital and staff for another wave. We hope and pray that this is just a small second wave and the team and all patients are protected like last year.
Our Healthcare Coordinator, Rob, shares further updates in this video below with what HCBH is currently fighting.
"At the beginning of this week we received more people with COVID-19 test positive. The government have confirmed that there are 2 variants here - British and Brazilian, that are spreading across Haiti. We have had to reopen our ward to receive people with COVID-19. It will be a big challenge in Haiti now as Haiti people don't usually social distance or wear face masks. We believe the situation will be even worse in some days and there is not enough capacity within the ward to help everybody, but we will do the best we can in this difficult time." - Dr. Toussaint, HCBH
HHA supports frontline healthcare in Haiti, but with our partner hospital’s resources stretched fighting a second COVID wave, we must ask you, once more, to help us respond. With an additional $4,000 needed each month to cover the COVID response costs, increased staff salaries and maintain core hospital services safely, we need your help to raise these vital funds and help Haiti’s heroes.
Please keep Haiti in your thoughts and prayers as the country fights this ongoing battle.