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Major new food and agriculture project announcement!

We are delighted to announce that earlier this year, HHA received an incredible grant to provide emergency food and agriculture/livelihood training to 1,100 of the most vulnerable refugee households in northern Uganda.  

This major new project will assist approximately 5,500 individuals and will be focusing on families with a member with disabilities, alongside single carer households, those with chronic illnesses, widows and other vulnerable groups.

Food insecurity remains a major challenge for refugees in northern Uganda. 
- 80% of refugees live on less than $0.50USD a day.
- Food rations have been reduced by between 40% - 70% depending on settlement. Typically rations last between 13 - 18 days of a 30 day month.
- The odds of being food insecure are 3.2 times larger for a household with a profoundly disabled member.
In the coming few months we will be providing emergency food distributions to these households until the agriculture activities we are initiating start to produce more stable food.  At this point, families will start becoming more self-reliant, with the harvests meeting their own nutritional needs but also enabling them to sell produce and generate additional funds for shelter, schooling, medical help etc.  
Alongside the incredible nutritional and livelihood benefits, when we have carried out similar, smaller-scale projects, we have seen a huge improvement in the way individuals with disabilities are viewed and treated in the community.  94% of households previously witnessed a reduction in stigma associated with their disability due to this form of activity.
As you can see in the photos, in only the last week we have almost completed our first food aid distribution to 5,500 people. An incredible achievement by our East Africa team.  
In the coming months we’ll keep you updated on this amazing new project which is going to radically transform the lives of so many persons with disabilities, a major step forward in our holistic approach to care for the most vulnerable.  
A huge thanks to the donor who has made this possible and everyone else supporting our EA work.