Welcomes and farewells in the Haiti team
21 July 2022 19:36
We’re excited to introduce 4 new members of the Haiti team this month. New mid-term volunteers Chris and Rosie Shrubsole (photo 1) arrived in Haiti and have settled in nicely. Chris is working with Maison de Benediction as he has a background working with pediatric behavior challenges. Rosie is an Emergency Nurse as well as a licensed nurse practitioner. She has already been doing some training in the ER and has a passion for community health.
After a week’s delay, long-term volunteers Parker and Abby Wierda (photo 2) have arrived in Haiti! Parker will be heading up our operations and facilities management, and Abby will be focusing on communications in Haiti, including marketing and social media. Please be in prayer for them as they navigate this challenge and prepare for a new life in Haiti.
Alongside the 4 new faces, Rob Dalton has also returned for a month to help settle in our new volunteers alongside working on the hospital solar electrical system once again - much needed during the looming fuel crisis.
As well as the new arrivals, we will be saying some farewells over the coming weeks. Brooke Barisich will be taking a short break in August to attend her brother’s wedding back in the States, followed by a trip to the UK for the Gala in September. She’ll also spend time with the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation following the Gala as well as a short trip to Uganda.
Long-time volunteer Phil McRae (photo 3) will be ending his tenure in Haiti on 12 August. It has been a joy and pleasure to have Phil in Haiti, as he’s been an incredible blessing to HHA and HCBH. His skills and wisdom have been invaluable, and HCBH has made great strides in many areas thanks to Phil’s leadership. Phil will continue working with HHA going forward, both in Haiti and potentially in East Africa as well. Thank you, Phil, for all of your hard work and effort the last few years!