HHA Haiti Team
Michael Goldsmith
Haiti/US Country Director
Michael lives in Missouri and is the US/Haiti Country Director for Hope Health Action, traveling to Haiti multiple times a year. Outside of work he is an accomplished designer having managed his own marketing company while assisting HHA with various design projects. In addition, Michael is a freelance jazz artist/clinician and currently operates a warehouse and logistics company with his wife, Melissa.
Brooke Barisich
Haiti Disability Coordinator
Brooke is a Physiotherapist from New Orleans, USA, who has joined HHA as a volunteer to manage and develop our range of disability projects in Haiti throughout 2021. Brooke loves baking, and all sorts of outdoor pursuits.
Joe Janvier
Assistant Program Manager
Joe Janvier aka “Mr. Joe,” wears many hats for HHA. He currently serves as the Assistant Program Manager and is also the official HHA Translator. Outside of work, Joe loves music and has been known to “spin a record or two” as a DJ in Haiti. Many of our followers will recognize Joe and his famous “smile!”
Mario Pasquet
South Haiti Wheelchair Coordinator
Mario Pasquet currently serves as the South Haiti Wheelchair Coordinator for HHA. A physiotherapist for over 3 years, he has been working in the field of rehabilitation since 2015. Mario has held positions with Association Haitienne des Techniciens en Physiothérapie (ASHATP) and the Haitian Society of Physiotherapy (SoHaPh). In his professional career he has worked in various hospital environments such as Hopital St Luc, Therapie Pour Tous, Hopital de la Convention Baptiste d'Haïti and Community Coalition For Haiti.
HCBH staff
We consider the HCBH staff team of over 300 to be part of of the HHA family. HHA support many of the salaries of these amazing people and work closely with them to continually develop one of the leading health facilities on northern Haiti.